Saturday, December 24, 2011

15mm Rear Spacers

Shortly after I did the A8 rings I came across a great deal for 15mm spacers w/ extended lug nuts and immediately purchased them. I was looking for a pair of spacers for a while so this was perfect. It would push out my rims to make them even with my fenders. Which will aid in the beefier trunk "look."


 Put anti-seize on to ensure it doesnt seize to the rim


Its been far to long since I've updated this Blog but anyways...

In September I went ahead and purchased some A8 rings which were going to replace the current ones on the car. I saw some people do it in the forums (Audizine) which I thought suited the trunk of the b7 very well. This of course gave me the perfect excuse to clean up the trunk a bit by removing the other badges. Here are a few pictures of the process; I dont have all the pictures of the steps because I got way to lost during the process.


Used fishing line and a hair dryer to remove the badge then outlined it with tape to prevent myself from spreading the goof off everywhere.

With the badges removed and stock audi rings

Comparison of the old and the new rings :D

Old rings removed and I taped off where the old rings where to ensure correct placement of the new A8 rings
 Another size comparison once the A4 rings were off

 Finished product, must say I like it a lot better also gives the b7 trunk a beefier look which I'm going for.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Yellow Foglight Covers

So I like to browse the forums a lot and saw a Black Audi RS4 with yellow foglight covers and thought it looked awesome. So after thinking about it and researching a bit on the internet I ordered some yellow foglight film from laminex. The order came in today and I immediatley installed them. They look great! And in my opinion gives the front end a little more character.

Carbonio Intake (July 16th, 2011)

So I'm very delayed on this update, I actually installed the intake on July 16th but have been very lazy to update the blog. But I'm finally getting around to it and will aslo include another update of a subtle mod to the front of the car. I received birthday money from my uncle, which combined with some of my money I was able to purchase a Carbonio Intake from APR as well as a snub mount (which I haven't been able to install due to the lack of a lift) from APR. The install wasn't bad at all because APR gives you a set of instructions. The hardest part had to have been the Carbon fiber lid because the holes dont line up perfectly with the heat shield. But after 30min of being scared of breaking the carbon fiber lid I just said screw it and screwed in one screw at a time and pushed each individual hole to line up, and it worked! The sound is phenomenal I hope to get a sound clip up soon, hopefully I'll be able to convince my little brother to film it. I didn't feel a change in power or torque but it does accelerate smoother. Anyways here are some pictures!

Engine bay before the Intake

Old airbox needs to get out of there!

Old Airbox
New Carbonio Intake

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Audi iPhone Case

Ok, this is unrelated to the car but I had to show off my Audi case that I got for my new iPhone. Ofcourse the lock screen is audi as well!

Window Tint- June 16th, 2011

I finally got my car tinted thanks to my girlfriend. She was the one who paid for the tints and made it my early Birthday present. I got them done thursday and have been slacking on the blogging but today I finally had sometime to take pictures. I think it makes the car look 2x better.I went with 30% in the front and %15 in the back (almost went with 5% in the back but I wanted to keep it looking classy and also this way the 30% blends in with the 15% better.

I was driving over the overpass and saw that the moon was out so I had to snap a picture with the new iPhone

I found a nice little ally by my gym and snapped some pictures to show off the tint.

Looking good right after a wash!